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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Nervousness is wrecking my mind... @ 6:24 PM

The concert is on Friday. I really hope I will do well in my storytelling, as the jittery insects in my tum can really cause me to forget the whole story and you know, well, just freak out on stage centre! The hilarious pic aptly explains my feelings.
Lots of people in the cast are fooling around and a couple of them have not learned their lines. It looks the script has been taking a long hiatus from the people's custody and sleeping in their bags.
I know my story is just four long paragraphs
long, but telling a story is wholly different from reading a story. I also have extra lines to learn, ya know. their lines continue throughout the whole painstakingly-prepared script, but telling a story to a 300-strong audience also includes expression, actions, and correct usage of English basics(you know, pronunciation - have I spelt it correctly? - correct subject verb agreement, highs nd lows, yada yada yada yada, ya know what I'm talking about).
I'm currently listening to Barbie Radio. Oh please, it's nothing childish! They play tracks from CDs and by artists who (and which) are probably not known to Singaporeans! The tracks also include Hey Ya from Outkast and Brreathe Your Name from Sispence None Then Richer! REalyy cool. JUst ask your female cousins or little sisters for help.
Help will be on your way through kiddie voice mail, probably just with a few grumblings and fights, yeah.
P.S.:Oh yeah, one more thing. I seemed to have peppered my posts with more pictures, nowadays.
Gowri K
120195, BtVSS 2008-11, ELDDS Media & Publicity
British crowns, emerald green, champagne gold, pralines, Russell Brand
A R Rahman, SJ, Meryl Streep, Little Miss Sunshine :)
Gowri K
120195, BtVSS 2008-11, ELDDS Media & Publicity
British crowns, emerald green, champagne gold, pralines, Russell Brand
A R Rahman, SJ, Meryl Streep, Little Miss Sunshine :)