Finally, after a jumbo period of days, I've been able to blog. If you tkae a peek at my photobucket album, you will see that I've added some MOAg souvenirs for lovers of the film.
School is quite tedious, but lemme tell you about my teachers first. Well, my eng tr is (i'd rather go by a pseudonym) Mrs AD . She's pretty funny but fierce. You should see her fantabulous dress sense - love that word - can't get it out of my head. She wears skirts which are of the loveliest satin I've ever seen. Her necklaces are nice too, but I don't wanna elaborate. Brill. Note: I am not using my blog to flatter my teachers - I want to describe school only. Then my other teachers are also pretty good and understanding. Mrs WoL (pseudonym, pseudonym!) is a wonderfully patient teacher who hasn't even scolded the class harshly and REALLY raising her voice - if you get my drift. I have a good mind to throw a major Trs Day celebration 4 her - Sugi came up for the plan. PE is also magnifica.
Work could be hard, but it's really the experience at school that counts . When u have not really made the most of your lower primary schdays and you come 2 think of them when you're , let's say, P6., no matter how hard u try, u can' t bring those memories back. You can't even get to live your fourth year again! How bad is that! My mumsoy told me this countless times - I have deeply and truly etched it in my mind.
Soory folks. It's really time to log off. anyway, some mumbo-jumbo hols are coming up, so there's totally no doubt I'll be able to blog. Please send me feedback about my blog so I can modify to become a better one perhaps. Till then, regards from Gowri.
Gowri K
120195, BtVSS 2008-11, ELDDS Media & Publicity
British crowns, emerald green, champagne gold, pralines, Russell Brand
A R Rahman, SJ, Meryl Streep, Little Miss Sunshine :)
Gowri K
120195, BtVSS 2008-11, ELDDS Media & Publicity
British crowns, emerald green, champagne gold, pralines, Russell Brand
A R Rahman, SJ, Meryl Streep, Little Miss Sunshine :)