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Friday, February 09, 2007
@ 1:08 AM
For the lack of better phrases, i've been so caught up in school that i've like, neglected, my blogging responsibilities. Whatever.
Anyway, remember What's Up? THe magazine for which i wrote articles about the s'pore national museum? I got
2 freaking copies of the newspaper along with special copies specially devoted to the museum!!!!!!Tadah!WAAA-haha!Hooray! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!
You might think that was so drama-mama, but really, it's what I'm feeling!!!
I actually wanted to scan the article for you, but because of some foreseen circumstances, i, of course, could not.
Anyway, there's a stupid picture of me, and i look totally nerdy in it. My smile is not a proper kind of smile; if i'd looked into a mirror before smiling, if wouldn't have been so...terrible.
Anyway, i showed it to my teachers, and mrs a (my eng teacher) read it to the whole class.
THen she said i looked perfectly fine in the photo, but i jsut smiled and kept mum.
Really, regardless of whether you're good=looking or not, you should never ever boast about your looks. Though it doesn't hurt if someone calls you mentally hot either.
So today, i had sci supplementary. I was standing in the freaky long queue behind two boys.
now i shall name these two boys Shrat and Gout. Now i really hate Shrat. He sucks up to teachers and bullies girls, who are arrogant and talk back to him.
Gout is a clone of shrat. he chides people when they speak english in tamil class. So I really felt like kicking this shrat. When S turned around and saw me, S told Gout,"Hey, gimme your glasses."
Because i wear glasses and the freaking fool wanted to imitate me.
I just started looking somewhere else because i really pitied Shrat. You know what he did?
S started pushing the specs down to the tip of shallow and stupid nose. looked like a complete and utter nutcase with the specs. started saying in this freakishly phony voice,"Helllo, aii haave writtten an arrticle fourr de vassup niyewspaperr." Then started speaking some more. I just ignored shrat...but really wanted to kick his stupid fat gut.
Anyway, the two fools got sick of it anyway. Such a simple rule of thumb.
Anyway, Hatsumomo-san has not being coming to the okiya-oops, i mean school, and she's missing all her homework. Boy, i can do so much better than this. Meanwhile, i've been growing sick of listening to Audiophile because it's just the same old songs..but i love 'em!!!