
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
@ 8:08 PM

Finally, Hatsumomo is coming back from Malaysia today!!

I just viewed some new videos like Gwen's the Sweet Escape(duhduh), and Fergie's 'Glamourous'--I spell it that way!

Apple, schmapple,snapple

This is the dumbest question anyone has ever asked me. It's so dumb i won't even post it here.

Thing is, how d'y'all like moi new (blog)skin?

It's kinda nice, it's simple, plain, and it just serves its' purpose.

I have this thing about watches.

Diamond-encrusted watches.

Now it's now like i'm trying to convert everyone to wear no-brand watches or something like that.

But just what are watches for?

They are to tell the pouring time. And some idiots in school treat them as what, fashion accessories? Some people are stuck in a time warp.

So, what i'm telling you,before i go to the loo (and it rhymes),is that before you buy the non-water-resistant faux diamond+ruby+pearl encrusted watch, wait a minute and have second,third,fourth thoughts about it. Can you wear it, even if you wash your hands? You will also have to worry about the stones falling off. So think about it.

You'll never regret it, you fake fashionista.

note to family members of unfortunate author of this blog::if you own a diamond-encrusted watch, please be assured that i know you all can take care of your watches so that you don't need to worry about it falling apart!! ok??!!


Gowri K

120195, BtVSS 2008-11, ELDDS Media & Publicity
British crowns, emerald green, champagne gold, pralines, Russell Brand

A R Rahman, SJ, Meryl Streep, Little Miss Sunshine :)
create &inspire.