Oh shucks, everyone's got my blog now. I mean, it's not like I didn't want it to happen, it's just that the timing was wrong. Ok, that was weird. Now everyone's begging me to link them, and it's kind of drivin me wild.
I was painting some shells yesterday, and if you read my other post, you'll know that i've been quite slow, and i've been eating a lot of ice-cream nowadays...so the following is just another example of my sloth.
An elephant keychain Met got for us friends from Thailand.
My thumb, and er, its' nail. I should cut the nail sometime cos ppl will think of me as some female ah pek gangsta.
Sloth all the way--- Valerie by Amy Winehouse and Mark Ronson
I keep post-its in my pencilcase, btw. I wrote this on a whim, and unfortunately i looked at it during maths lesson and laughed like a jackass.
My paints are from Saintograph. I recommend their brand. Cos, I went to WM popular, and there were only two types of quality acrylics there : Lyra and Saintograph. Lyra is the brand we got frm the bookshop, and it has 6 colours. The Lyra paints at Popular had 12 colours and cost 11.05. Whereas, the Saintograph had 15 colours and cost 11.25. I was stunned. A difference of 3 colours for just 20 cents? I bought the Saintograph. Besides, the Saintograph has lots of non-conforming, unique, hybrid colours which makes it a better choice than the Lyra.
And the shells I painted.
Seriously, whether I do art or not depends on my mood cos since i felt like relaxing a bit before starting hmwk, i thought i do this since the shells needed glamming up. I stick pins to the bottoms of the shells with blu tacks, and voila! I've got glorified thumbtacks.
I diluted my blue paint and let it bleed down the shell, so much so that it dripped on the paper and glass table. OOh i love messing up my workspace.
So now it's just a hybrid wash of black, red and blue.
Over the weekend, had been very pissed over something. Wanted to attend Dim Sum Dollies on Thurs with the ELDDS guys, as in people. But then, oh great, i've got science and history remedials. I doubt Mr Heng will have remedial, since we are so done with the science common test. And history, i don't know. We r having common test on that day itself, where is the need for a remedial??
Oh yeah, i can still push ahead my music class to make it in time to meet everyone. This is rotten luck. I don't want to inconvenience Mdm Maziyan by asking her for the consent form !!
Is this what you call a catch-22 situation, or is it not?