
Monday, June 02, 2008
@ 5:33 AM


Finally found the time to update on the SPH Camp.

I arrived at school at about 7 am. Cheng Ying was there, busy working on a Mac laptop, listening to eardrum-blasting music A.T.T...it was a laptop, for god's sake. Isn't there anything better to do?


The rest of the peeps going for the camp arrived later. Then the moronic Ferah came also. HAha i was kidding, but she calls me a moron also, so there.

she's got that intelligent look going on.

Didn't take a lot of pictures during the first day, cos it was more about listening and observing. Besides, you're more likely to get into the bad books of people if you keep scrambling everywhere and shoving cameras into people's faces.

The jackets they gave us were super comfy. I wore mine throughout the day.

Sailesh and I ate brownies for breakfast (talk about alliteration!). Food was ok, I guess. I took little at first (long story -- i've learnt from harrowing experiences to do with food+greed)

I know this post was worthless..and insubstantial. But I didn't take a lot of pictures, for the reasons that I stated above. And anyway, I didn't have enough space. Feel like whacking my head with the Kungfu toy that is poised on my CPU now.

Gowri K

120195, BtVSS 2008-11, ELDDS Media & Publicity
British crowns, emerald green, champagne gold, pralines, Russell Brand

A R Rahman, SJ, Meryl Streep, Little Miss Sunshine :)
create &inspire.