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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
@ 7:11 AM
today was an eventful day, like any other.
oh yes, i've been wanting to tell you guys about the big news...
It's That...
I'm a writer at IN, the newspaper for secondary school youth!
I guess those people who called me derogatory names in princess e, don't know where to put your faces now, yeah?
The above was payback to ppl from peps, not bvss (God forbid!)
YAY To ME. I know I sound proud and self-centred, but what would you do if you were in my place?
The best part is that, I , together with Nasri, are actually placing BVSS's name in the papers, something that we've strived to do for IN.
This is the reason why the girls in 1e3 are calling me famous, some even trying to promote it. And as if anything could get more surreal, they announced our names on the PA system! And we're supposed to give speeches during assembly.
Which is really cool.
I'd like to thank everyone at BVSS for their congratulations and support, though Nas and I still need to alert the school about our major conferences.
Can you believe it?
Today, Mr Goh, a relief tr, came to relief us until the home econs and d&t teachers, arrived.
Until he said,"I am relieving Mrs Kartar."
I was stunned. I didn't know what to make of it. It was so...unreal. Anyway, all the home econs students were rejoicing, except perhaps me. We had 3 periods of nothing to do.
Just finished my art assignment, at 12am. Reflection thingy.
One more thing!
Mdm Maziyan gave me the consent form for DIMsumdollies! Which means i'm going off to the esplanade to catch it tomorrow! YAYAYA. The thing that really made me sad was that there weren't any tickets left by the time Metiwan gave her form, so she isn't coming. And that mkes me sad, cos i know how it is to be disappointed.