Black Pepper Chicken, which was quite spicy for black pepper.

Some green beans dish.

By the time i took time off from eating to get my camera, the Tahu Telur had been already half-eaten. Anyway it's got some crunchy floss on the top, which you take away to reveal a mountain of soft tofu..
A contented-looking and full me.

NOTE: I was not camwhoring, cos if you really are camwhoring, then you wouldn't smile as if you'd just seen something very funny, and you also wouldn't shove your face in front. You'd pose, tilting your head to the side. Am I right, people?
P.s.:I'm not hinting at anyone, FYI. I'n just writing the general truth.
THat's it for yesterday.
Crappy pix i took in the bus on the way to Dim Sum Dollies :)
I warned you.
Tiara (senior) had eyeliner on. Terribly captivated by it, I was. She looked great, so did Syarini and Fathin. And I LOVE Syarini's salmon-pink stilettos. Yikes!!!!! Epitomes of chic, most of the seniors are.
We ppl went in buses grouped according to Sec2s, Sec3s, Sec4s and ELDDS members. You know what group Met and I went to. Felt a little belittled as sec1s, but it's sad that it is the way the world works.
During the intermission, the ushers were handing out Singapore flags. I took one, so did Met. I saw Peggy holding a whole bunch! No offense, dear. It doesn't hurt to show your patriotism. You must remember I'm a little forgetful of my screws, nuts and bolts, though, so i might not be making sense.
Today, while waiting for 149*** , i saw Sandy, Amanda and Eileen dears. Really happy to see them.
Then a few minutes later, Celine saw me and said hi. Was quite surprised. Maybe it's her courteous habit of saying hi to ppl in 1e3, then maybe later she cursed herself for giving me face. Haha. Maybe. No offense, Celine dear.
Today, Mr H relieved Mr Ong. My question is, WHERE IS MR ONG???
We know about his situation and all, but we were told he'd be coming today. I thoroughly enjoyed Maths lesson. NOT.
Mr H picked on me. Is it bcos i looked innocent and won't feel angry/protest about it? I shall never know. Was made to tell answers to this sum. Even tho i did know practically 3/4 of the answers, some ppl like olivia were shouting out the ans (to the other 1/4 questions). Don't know if it was for her own benefit or mine, but thanks all the same. Then Mr H also cut Olivia short when she wanted to ask a question. I really wish we Sec 1s had independent learning day. Mr Ong is now a fantastic teacher in 1e3's eyes. We are really waiting for him to come to teach us, even though sometimes i don't understand what he says :) Noffense to anyone, here.
During VE (values education) we were discussing about the look of our class t-shirt. Well, i felt that instead of choosing a shirt with single/double collar, why not we just take a collar-less shirt, and splurge on the details and colours? I voiced it out, and some ppl seemed to go along with it. The colours and the details are the factors that are gonna stand out in the first place, so why not spend a lot on those, instead of worrying about whether the shirt has a collar or not, which si pretty pointless.
A lot of ppl are coming up with cool ideas, and we were all told to design one each for tmrw, and everyone would vote on the design they liked best. Can't wait, and it also reminds me that i've got a nice big pile of work waiting for me.
Oh cool. I just discovered I've got no archives. This means a possible change of blogskin!