
Thursday, April 10, 2008
@ 6:33 AM

i need a darn hammer to knock my head. i can't think well. and it is not good, especially when i've got 2 darned articles to submit to IN by Fri/Mon and three articles to submit to Chief Editor before week after next.

what would i do without my buddies, who are so forthcoming with their opinions. CONTRADICTORY ME.

what would i do without music.

what would i do w/o my phone.

w/o eldds.

w/o the members of eldds.

w/o seniors.

w/o a hammer. just kidding.

w/o the internet.


I'm not going to make this a screwed-up, 'I'M SO PACKED THIS WEEKEND, GIRLFRIEND!' kind of post. though, i am packed.


to all those who gave your feedback about cyber-bullying and other stuff (ahem) thank you all. If it does make it to the press, i'll acknowledge you, properly and lengthily. even if it doesn't, i still will . hehe.

have rehearsal and eldds tomorrow. and to top everything off, i appear in BtVSS's corporate video twice! i couldn't resist --> walaoeh!

Gowri K

120195, BtVSS 2008-11, ELDDS Media & Publicity
British crowns, emerald green, champagne gold, pralines, Russell Brand

A R Rahman, SJ, Meryl Streep, Little Miss Sunshine :)
create &inspire.