
Monday, November 19, 2007
l'amour la plage @ 1:41 AM

Man, it's been a whirlwind week. First and foremost...

DEAR COUSINS CAME OVER!! Yeah, thanks a lot for everything people, the Toblerones, the great company and food. We had a blast, admiring each other's bangles and attire and taking lots of crazy pictures. from there, we went to another relative's house, where we had a thoroughly interesting time.,..

and then, before yesterday, on saturday, we went over to cousins' house. Really, they have UBER-SUPER-DUPER-TUBER FANTASTIC TASTE!!!!

i mean, they're a truly eclectic family and i love them to bits! they bought those nice lights, where the bulbs are housed in pink and white flowers and they looked stunning! it was really homely homely, we had a great time there man. and the food was of course, delicious! so aunt and i were talking on and on and we really enjoyed ourselves.

so thank you cuzzes for all the great stuff that you bought and did for us.

photos from the Deepa-Raya concert are coming up sometime this week hopefully.

so GCuz will be flyin away this Thursday for a twinning school programme or whatever it is called. the same day as the release of the PSLE results. GAH!!

Gowri K

120195, BtVSS 2008-11, ELDDS Media & Publicity
British crowns, emerald green, champagne gold, pralines, Russell Brand

A R Rahman, SJ, Meryl Streep, Little Miss Sunshine :)
create &inspire.